Socially Distanced Celebrations

Extremely overwhelmed after getting a massive pile of errands completed today. Tensions are running high out there, and the stir-craziness of others is an explosive combo with everything else going on – especially when amplified with conspiracy theories and general exhaustion from the insanity. I think I’m going to go home, smoke a bowl, drink some whiskey or maybe tequila, listen to some music, and try not to lose it at the universe.

I haven’t had a major seizure in weeks now. Hoping to de-stress enough not to be on such a high trigger. (Missing my Day One CBD bath stuff, like whoa…)

More smoke from California and such. If you weren’t wearing a mask for COVID, you probably want one for this… coughcoughcough

Counting down the days until things are relatively normal again. It is our 5 year Bisbeeversary this week. Time flies…

Wonder how we can celebrate this year with all that is going on…

That being said, if anyone is interested in a social distancing New Year celebration (Rosh Hashanah is coming…), might be up for something…

OnTheBorder #HuachucaMountains #CochiseCounty #Pandemic #Life #WildfireSmoke #Smoke #Mountains #BorderLife #ArizonaLife #RandomThoughts #Epilepsy #PTSD #Arizona #PartakeResponsibly

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